We offer a variety of fitting services to suit your particular needs. We find that there are some basic types of fitting which we can customize in any way needed. We also offer consultation on bicycle purchases for your sport specific needs.
- Basic Comfort Bicycle Fit - A basic comfort bicycle fit is for the recreational and sport rider who uses a basic platform type pedal (your shoes do not click into and attach to the pedal). This type of fit usually maximizes comfort and will likely increase efficiency as well.
- Road Bicycle Fit - This fit can be completed in a multitude of ways depending on what you want to accomplish, from the recreational touring rider to the full on racing cyclist. If you have a road bicycle with clipless pedals and want to get the most out of each pedal stroke this is for you. We will make sure that you are as comfortable and efficient as possible given your body type and sport specific needs.
- Triathlon Bicycle Fit - If you have a bicycle with aero bars and clipless pedals we can get you in an aero position and make your transition between bike and run easier. This is a FIST certified fit focusing on a Tri specific position. This type of fit can be completed on a road bike or a full on triathlon specific bike, with some differences due to bicycle geometry.
- Mountain Bicycle Fit - This fit will focus on your specific mountain riding needs. We will take into consideration the dynamic position that most mountain biking demands. This will maximize the power that you put down to the pedal.
- Tandem Bicycle Fit - This is a two person fit which will make the tandem fit both riders equally well. We find that many times once a tandem has been set up to be comfortable for one rider the second rider suffers. We will first fit each rider individually and then make sure that the fit is perfect with both riders on the bike.
- Spin Cycle Fit - This is a fit which is specific to the Spin Cyclist using clipless pedals for their indoor spin fitness class. We look at your stance and how your foot meets up with the pedal (pedal foot interface). This will increase comfort and reduce the chance of repetitive use injury to the riders’ legs. Many of our customers also report that their wattage output has increased with no effect of comfort or fatigue.
- Recumbent Bicycle Fit - A recumbent bicycle is already a pretty comfortable ride. We find that most riders benefit greatly from looking at their pedal stance and alignment of their knees with the clipless pedals. Of course we also look at the rest of the fit between the rider and the recumbent bicycle.
- Bicycle Consultation Services - We will be happy to help you figure out what bicycle is best for your needs. This usually will include a fit somewhere along the way. The cost is $80.00 an hour and $90.00 of that can be applied toward a fitting when the correct bicycle is found.
$80.00 per hr. Up to $90.00 of which can be applied toward a fitting.